Archive for August 2017

08-28-2017 The New Left !   2 comments

As the Fall of the year approaches the extreme left continues it belly-aching and whining toward the new administration.  Honestly I never thought they’d stop anyway. They’re  much like a small child throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of a mall.  They’ll keep at it until they turn blue and collapse or until someone gives them a whack on the ass and tells them to shut the hell up.  It could be a very long wait for that to happen.

As of late it’s become obvious to anyone who cares to pay attention that the Republicans have been infected by the Leftist Flu.  They are currently classified in my mind as Dems-Lite.  Finally the party has the upper hand in this government and they are pissing it away like they always do.  They seem to enjoy being the weaker party so they can just sit back and spend all of their time  sniping  at every little thing the liberals do. That doesn’t require any hard work or dedication.  It’s also obvious that the caliber  of Republican members and leadership  isn’t what it once was.  That capable well led party no longer exists and we may never see it again.

Poor Donald Trump.  No one seems to like him anymore. He really doesn’t look all that upset about it either.  No one likes him except for the millions of voters who elected him.  He has become something that even that lunatic Ross Perot couldn’t become, a one man third party. Maybe it’s time for a viable third party to make an appearance.  Not some Tea Party organization that growled and barked for a couple of years and then disappeared.  Those Tea Party folks who used the conservative message to get elected have now become part of the system we all despise.

I would love to see Donald Trump run for reelection with the backing of an real organization of real people who actually believe in the things they promise the electorate.  Not individuals who will say anything to get elected and then walk away smiling to themselves.  People who are actually concerned about this country being turned into another Europe. Just read the daily news.  Europe is falling apart due mostly to their liberal outlook on damn near everything.  In ten more years the Islamists will own Europe and the fun will really start. We’ll see how much the European populations like Sharia laws and  all of the rules and restrictions that apply to women.  I can’t wait to see Angela Merkel in a burka.


This pair should keep you up nights.


I can only hope for a Democratic ticket that is so ridiculous that he’ll win in a landslide.  How about a ticket of Maxine Waters and Bernie Sanders.  Who wouldn’t vote for a lunatic and a socialist?  They seem to be the new Democratic brain trust that’s on the rise.  I was never a big believer in prayer but for that ticket I might start.


08-06-2017 Syndromes!   Leave a comment

I think I’ve become a victim of RAS Syndrome. As you well know there seem to be hundreds of magical syndromes that are announced on a regular basis to help excuse what some might call “shitty behavior”. While there are many real syndromes out there some alleged experts create as many questionable or fictitious  syndromes as the imagination will allow. It’s those acronyms and syndromes  that are driving me mad. Searching the Net I’ve found hundreds and hundreds of these acronyms for just about anything you can think of.  Here’s one of mine:

RAS Syndrome (short for “redundant acronym syndrome syndrome”) refers to the use of one or more of the words that make up an acronym in conjunction with the abbreviated form, thus in effect repeating one or more words.

How about a few examples?

If you fart in church then you must be suffering from the infamous NFIPP Syndrome. That’s “Nasty Farts In Public Places”. It’s really not your fault that you farted, it’s the fault of the Church for pressuring you into attending services after one of their famous bean dinners.

Another of my favorites is the BBABO. That’s the “Bad Breath And Body Odor Syndrome”.  No matter where I go or where I sit a person suffering with this disorder manages to be right next to me.  That in turn gives me a case of VIMT. That’s “Vomit In My Throat Syndrome”‘, for those of you who are unaware that you may suffer from that same disorder.

I’ve also  noticed another major syndrome as I walked through our local Wal-Mart recently. It’s one of the most common ones I see these days. It’s confusing, disgusting, and at times revolting and it’s called the YODOAFM Syndrome. “You Obviously Don’t Own A F–King Mirror Syndrome”.  Many Wal-Mart customers have been infected over the years and now it’s threatening to become a pandemic.

I’ve suffered from a another syndrome since early childhood.  At times it’s been a good thing but occasionally it’s anything but. It’s the IDGASWYT Syndrome. That’s the “I Don’t Give A Shit What You Think Syndrome”. It’s something genetic I inherited from my father, his father, and his father.

The one that has shown up recently to cause all of us problems is the IHTBIAWC Syndrome. That’s “I Hate Trump Because I’m A Whinny Crybaby Syndrome” It’s been running rampant through the country since Election Day but only seems to be infecting Liberals, Democrats, and a few million illegal aliens.

I have another one for all of  them.  It’s the KMIA Syndrome (Kiss My Independent Ass).