Archive for July 2017

07-31-2017 Propaganda!   Leave a comment

Fortunately I wasn’t around for WWII.  My father and uncle both served and had endless stories that they passed along.  Those stories prompted me to spend time learning about that war, how it came about, how it ended, and everything in between.

One thing that caught my attention was the Nazi propaganda machine and how effectively it was used to bamboozle the population and the rest of the world.  Hitler devoted three chapters of Mein Kampf to it and understood it’s effectiveness. His quote speaks volumes, “”I will provide a propagandistic casus belli (cause for war). Its credibility doesn’t matter. The victor will not be asked whether he told the truth.”

On 13 March 1933, The Third Reich established the Ministry of Propaganda, appointing Joseph Goebbels as its Minister. Its goals were to establish enemies in the public mind: such as Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Bolsheviks.


I wonder if copies of this photo are hanging anywhere in the halls of CNN or MSNBC.

These days the same sort of thing is being practiced on the American public in a somewhat different way. The Main Stream Media has made the choice to back all things liberal and the Democratic Party. At the same time the less-liberal  Media leans right to the conservatives and the Republican Party.  Both sides in this ideological battle are bombarding the voting public with biased propaganda like never before.  Taken to an extreme it has slowly morphed into a new but often used term, “Fake News”.   Minister Goebbels would be so pleased to know his legacy is alive and well and operating in of all places the great United States of American.

The Media has consistently saturated TV, Radio, Social Media, and as much of the Internet as possible. Is it any wonder the voting public doesn’t have a clue as to what’s really going on in this country.  Back in the day the Media’s job was to be a government watchdog for US (the voters) but things changed dramatically once most of the media companies were purchased by corporate America. Almost immediately the media began reporting things friendly to their parent companies  and it’s  political and business goals.  All of those lies of omission and the “Fake News” had made it almost impossible for the voters to trust anyone.

Common Sense has become a rare commodity in this country. After years of propaganda the public has decided to believe just about anything they hear.  There isn’t  a suspicion that they’re being lied to and influenced in one direction or another. It seems to me the propaganda works just as well today as it did in the 1930’s and 40’s.

When all trust has finally been lost, then what?  The choices are too grim to think about. Look what happened to the glorious Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Posted July 31, 2017 by Every Useless Thing in Bitch & Complain

07-27-2017 The Extremist Fad!   Leave a comment


How does one become an extremist.  First they need to find their alleged passion and then the real problems can begin.  It may just be me but I feel that in the last fifty years extremism has become the newest and most dangerous fad ever created by man.

Of course it all started with the ever so popular and murderous religions that exist on this planet. How many millions of hapless souls have been sacrificed for their supposed God. It’s not good enough that you believe in God but it must be done only THEIR way. The crusades should have taught everyone a valuable lesson but they didn’t. Cities were burned, whole populations murdered, and for what? Both sides were responsible for that horrendous slaughter and we learned nothing.  March and die for Jesus or Mohammed, cut off a few heads, murder some children, what’s the real difference? There is none.

Religion has turned us against each other time and time again. Now extremism has slowly worked it’s way into the fabric of our society.  Everyone insists that everything they do or believe is the absolute right way. Anyone that disagrees the least little bit becomes an enemy and must be dealt with.  I’m sure many of you would disagree but let’s look a little deeper to prove my point.

This example is a minor bit of extremism called Veganism. Vegans are militant about how their life style is the only and best way to live. Tell a Vegan you don’t agree with them and your looked at suspiciously and become a non-believer. It’s a mild extremism that is a little annoying but no one will kill me over it (YET).

Next in line are the environmentalists who believe that the earth is their newly found god or goddess. It has morphed into a pseudo-religion that has produced a small band of terrorists who’ve murdered for their cause for years and continue to do so. Who hasn’t heard about ecoterrorism?

Of course we always have those fun loving extremist crazies at PETA to listen to. They’ve successfully made themselves into a laughingstock with their lame antics of blood throwing and other nonsense. All terrorists consider themselves complete failures if they can’t get a five minute mention on the nightly news.

What’s next?  Just take a moment and think of the dumbest thing you can imagine.  I’m sure that at some point two assholes will put their heads together and have some sort of an epiphany, maybe talk with their God, and begin a movement to convince the rest of the world to change and believe and think as they do. If you don’t believe you could become ostracized or maybe your life could become forfeit.

Unfortunately for civilization and society most of the really over-the-top extremists cannot be convinced of anything. It makes dealing with them next to impossible as we’ve all come to find out over the last few decades.

It appears that the human race in it’s infinite wisdom can’t find common ground with anyone about anything. Scientists are constantly talking about the coming “Singularity”. That’s supposedly the tipping point when machines become so intelligent they’re able to get rid of the human race entirely.  Honestly I don’t think we really need their help.  We’ll eventually destroy ourselves by arguing over all of the so-called important differences we have rather that celebrating our many similarities.

It’s a side state of affairs and I see no why of fixing any of it. Maybe I should pray to God for help.  Shit, which one should I talk to, there are so many choices.

07-19-2017 Presidential Thoughts and Other C.R.A.P   2 comments

Now that Mr. Trump has been elected it’s been a real treat watching the Liberals and Mainstream Media losing their minds.  The truth about media bias is no longer the big secret it once was except for those of us who have been paying attention for years. I thought after a few months of this nonsense it would gradually ease up but it hasn’t. They continue to chew on that dried up old bone until their brains explode. I’m a patient guy who will gladly wait around to watch their continuous escapades to strike out at Mr. Trump with little or no success.

This next item was sent to me by a friend. The first line is a the Medias lame attempt to belittle the President as being nothing more than a former reality television star.  The fact that he is also a billionaire real estate developer is never mentioned.

Senator (To Be) Caitlyn Jenner

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Caitlyn Jenner has joined the list of celebrities who are considering running for political office in the United States following the election of former reality television star Donald Trump as president. 

The remainder of the article concerned a short list of celebrities just dying to enter the political arena to teach the rest of us mouth-breathers just how things are supposed to be done.  I say let them try.  If we can have Obama for eight years and survive, we can live with Senator Caitlyn Bruce Jenner,  Senator Kid Rock, or God forbid, President Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.  Just more humorous shit to enjoy as the country slowly slides towards some sort of Third-World status. Maybe we could start a new type of NATO organization to help keep us safe from our enemies. It could be called CRAP, the Cluster of Real Arab Pals.  We could take a firm stand against Europe, China, and Russia with our new allies  Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. We could sit around the meeting table and try desperately to convince each other what a bunch of bad asses we once were and how we will eventually rule the world.  It’s much too depressing to contemplate.

I’m trying my hardest to not get into a rant about all of this but it isn’t easy. Let me calm down some and pass along a humorous joke sent my way recently from a friend in Kansas City.  Here it is:

I was walking in the mall and I saw that there was a Muslim bookstore. The sign outside led me to wonder just what exactly was in a Muslim bookstore, so I went in.

As I was wandering around taking a look, the clerk gave me the stink eye, but asked if he could help me. I know I didn’t look like his normal clientele, so I asked, “Do you have a copy of Donald Trump’s book on his U.S. immigration policy regarding Muslims and illegal aliens?” The clerk said, “Kiss my ass, Get out, and Stay out!”

I said, “Yes, that’s the one. Do you have it in paperback?”



I’m Back ! !   2 comments

Well it’s been almost nine months since my last posting  and it’s time to give birth or rebirth to this blog.  Over the years I’ve posted hundreds of times on politics and politicians but never felt confident that anyone reading them gave a damn.  I guess I was somewhat mistaken since Donald Trump found a way to pull a magical rabbit out of his hat.  I think he jumped out of the frying pan directly into the media and liberal bonfire.  Good luck to you Mr. President you’re going to need it.  Also here’s a tip for you that I learned many years ago, “Keep low and keep moving.” It’s hard for anyone (even the Media) to hit a moving target.

During my time off I also turned 70 years of age which practically blew my mind.  I never expected to live this long and I intend to make the most of my remaining time bitching and moaning about anything and everything that irritates or annoys me.  I shouldn’t have any problems finding things to write about because right now in 2017 this is what the military would call,  “a target rich environment”.

In the past I wrote endlessly about my better-half, my grandchildren, and my every day life.  Going forward I may still mention them occasionally but the content of this blog will be changing. For years I posted once or twice a day, then I reduced that to just a daily entry but beginning today I’ll post when I have something to say.  If that’s twice a day or twice a week, so be it.

So thanks to my followers for sticking around for the last nine months waiting for me to return.  I hope you’ll find this blog even more interesting as we move forward.

Posted July 17, 2017 by Every Useless Thing in Education, Humor, Looking Back, Politics

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