Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

05/04/2024 “Morbid Yet Funny”   1 comment

Bath Abby, England

Here lies Ann Mann.

She lived an old maid and

She died an Old Mann


Bayfield, Mississippi

Here lies my wife in earthly mold,

Who when she lived did nothing but scold.

Please wake her not, for now she’s still,

I’m alone, but now I have my will.

Boston Granary Cemetery

Here lie I bereft of breath

Because a cough carried me off.

Then a coffin they carried me off in.


Skaneateles, New York

Underneath this pile of stones

Lies all that’s left of Sally Jones.

Her name was Briggs, it was not Jones,

But Jones was used to rhyme with stones.

The last words of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

“Drink to me.”


03/26/2024 “BEING HUMAN”   Leave a comment

The human body never ceases to amaze. Just when you think you’ve heard everything you could possibly hear about human bodies and their uses and peculiarities, you find out you had no idea just how strange they can be. So, let me start your education with more facts about your human body.

  • Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails.
  • Bright light and sunshine can make you sneeze.
  • Right-handed people live on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
  • Redheads are more likely than other people to be left-handed.
  • Humans sweat up to a pint of fluid each night.

  • Humans can survive longer without food than they can without sleep.
  • Sleeping with an electric blanket can interrupt your sleep patterns and make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Earwax is not wax.
  • Your belly button is home to more than 60 strains of bacteria.
  • The average adult toenail is home to 43 species of fungi.

And here’s an historical fun fact that is one of my favorites:

Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay about farts and flatulence called “Fart Proudly”.


03/09/2024 “The Human Body”   Leave a comment

After the last few years, I’ve become something of an expert on the human body and all of its frailties. It’s not something I ever wanted to know but when you’re put in a position where you have no choice, you learn. I thought I’d pass along a short list of interesting items about the human body that might help you learn some things you didn’t know. Let’s see . . .

  • The longest hiccupping attack lasted 65 years; the longest sneezing fit lasted 978 days; and the longest yawning ordeal lasted for five weeks.
  • The average human body has 14 to 18 square feet of skin.
  • The average human head contains approximately 100,000 hairs.
  • Assuming that the heart beats at least once a second, by the time a person is 70, his or her heart will have beat at least 2.8 billion times.
  • Approximately 200,000,000 to 300,000,000 sperm cells are contained in a single human ejaculation.

  • Every human being will drink approximately 16,000 gallons of water in their lifetime.
  • It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
  • A human being will lose 1/2 to 3/4 of the bodies heat by not covering the head in cold weather.
  • The hyoid bone resides by itself in the throat, and it supports the tongue and its muscles. It is the only bone in the body that does not connect with another bone.
  • Whether the person is male or female, the number of hairs lost in a given day is approximately 25-225 hairs.

And for my final entry I’ll explain how religion manages to involve itself in virtually everything. We’ve all heard during our lives about the “Adam’s Apple”. It refers to a religious legend that claims a piece of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was stuck in Adam’s throat. My only question is why Eve didn’t never had one.


02/13/2024 🥫🥯Food Facts🍔🍟   Leave a comment

Do you consider yourself a “Foodie”? I love a great variety of foods and have gone out of my way over the years to try almost everything once. There are a few things I absolutely love and on the backside of that a whole lot of things I absolutely hate. That doesn’t make me a foodie it makes me a nitpicker. I pick the nits I like, and I ignore the ones that I dislike. With that thought in mind I thought maybe a class on food trivia might be called for and give you a little information you probably haven’t heard before. I’ll just throw 15 facts at you, and you can deal with them as you please.

  • Coca-Cola was first bottled in 1894 in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
  • A 12-ounce cup of brewed coffee contains 200 mg of caffeine.
  • The average ear of corn has 800 kernels.
  • A medium-sized potato provides 45% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C for an adult.
  • Nescafé was the first instant coffee. It was introduced in Europe in 1938.

  • The Chinese restaurant item, chop suey, was invented in the United States.
  • Fulton, Kentucky was once known as the “The Banana Capital of the World” because 70% of all imported bananas to the United States used to be shipped there.
  • The United States military has created an “indestructible sandwich” that can stay fresh for up to three years.
  • Black olives contain 10-30% more oil than green olives.
  • The Aztecs considered avocados an aphrodisiac.

  • The red and white colors of the Campbells Soup label came from the colors of the Cornell University football team, which Campbell’s executive Herberton Williams watched play in 1898.
  • White and brown eggs contain the same nutrients in the same quantities.
  • The Marquis de Sade loved chocolate so much that he had it sent to him in prison.
  • Post Cereals developed the first cereal, Grape-Nuts, in 1897.
  • The national drink of Iceland is a potato schnapps called “Black Death.”



11/16/2023 “My Poor Rosebud”   3 comments

I made a commitment a few weeks ago to post nothing but humor until the end of the year. This post is almost humorous depending on who you are and what you’ve been through medically. I’m writing this a few days earlier than usual because I have been preparing myself for another adventure through the land of colonoscopies. I’m in the middle of “prep” right now which doesn’t allow me any room for a sense-of-humor, but I will do my best. This is my eighth colonoscopy, and I should really get some kind of an award like a gigantic gold medal for endurance and being able to maintain my seriously damaged sense-of-humor through this process.

The medical community here in Maine in their efforts to provide a better service continue to change the procedures for preparation for colonoscopies. Every hospital wants to do it in a new and better way and the only people who suffer are the patients. I thought I’d seen everything on preparation and drank every known solution to help cleanse my intestines but once again I was wrong. The hospital directed me to a local pharmacy to pick up a 4-liter container that I know I’m not going to hate. The pharmacist at the time was a very likable guy and I was able to chat him up a little. I asked one simple question, “Does this solution really work? He grinned an evil little grin before answering. He asked me if I had ever watched any documentaries on atomic bombs. I said I had and again he just smiled, “You are only a couple of days away from experiencing what could be called “ground zero”. His only warning was that after drinking the solution I should never be more than 3-5 feet from a bathroom. The term “projectile bowel movements” was mentioned numerous times and he again gave me that evil little smile. So here I sit waiting patiently to again watch the destruction of my ” poor little rosebud”.


Here’s a joke that might you smile but I doubt if it will do much for me:

A man and a woman were having drinks at a local bar when they got into a heated argument about who enjoys sex more. The man said, “Men obviously enjoy sex more than women. Why do you think we’re so obsessed with getting laid?” “That doesn’t prove anything, said the lady, “Think about this: When your ear itches you put your finger in it and wiggle it around, then pull it out, which feels better, your ear or your finger?”




08/24/2023 “MORE WHISKEY PLEASE”   1 comment

A few weeks ago, I posted information from a book gifted to me by my better-half called The Little Book of Whisky. I developed a taste for Scotch more than 40 years ago during my years as a police officer. I was then introduced to bourbon whiskey many years later and absolutely loved it. Thank heavens I have a large number of whisky drinking readers and in response to their emails, I decided to list a few more items of trivia about whiskey. Read on and do so preferably with a drink in your hand.


Whisky or whiskey is a type of liquor made from fermented grain mash. Various grains (which may be malted) are used for different varieties, including barley, corn, rye, and wheat. Whisky is typically aged in wooden casks, which are typically made of charred white oak. Uncharred white oak casks previously used for the aging of port, rum or sherry are also sometimes used.

The Whisky Playlist (1-5)

Whisky Bent and Hell Bound – Hank Williams Jr.

Poison Whisky – Lynyrd Skynyrd

Whisky River – Willie Nelson

Whisky and Wimmen – John Lee Hooke & Canned Heat

It Was the Whisky Talkin – Jerry Lee Lewis

Whiskey Wisdom #1

Inventor, scientist and engineer Nikola Tesla, best known for designing the alternating current (AC) electric system, and the Tesla Coil, drank whiskey every day. He believed it would help him live to be 150 years old. He died at the age of 86.

Whisky Health Notice #1

A study published in 2010 by the United States National Institute of Health Recommended that adults who consume 1-6 portions a week of whiskey were 50% less likely to suffer dementia as nondrinkers and heavy drinkers.

“A Whiskey a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”

Famous Whiskey Quotes

“Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey.” Ernest Hemingway

“When life hands you lemons, make Whiskey Sours.” WC Fields

“The true pioneer of civilization is not a newspaper, not religion, not a railroad but whiskey!” Mark Twain

“My God, so much I like to drink Scotch that sometimes I think my name is Igor Stra-whiskey.” Igor Stravinsky


07/27/2023 Want A Good Life?   2 comments

Everyone wants a good life. As I sat thinking about it recently, I felt a few commonsense rules were needed. I’ve been around a very long time and have collected ideas from many sources that assisted me in creating this list. I’m no genius but if you follow this list, I guarantee your life will improve dramatically.


Talk slow, think fast.
Remember that great loves and great successes also hold great risks.
Call your mom.
Respect yourself, respect others and take responsibility for your actions.
When you’ve made a mistake, Correct it!

Eat plenty of whole rice.
Always give people more than they expect.
Be able to sing your favorite song.
Don’t believe anything you hear and half of what you see. When you say, “I love you”, mean it!

Pet your pets.
Spend some time alone.
Accept change but maintain your values.
At times, silence is the best answer.
Read more books!

Learn all the rules, and then break a few.
Trust everyone . . . but always lock your car.
Do not bring up the past.
Good fences sometimes make for good neighbors.
Don’t trust anyone who fails to close their eyes when they kiss you.

Only swear when absolutely necessary.
When you say, “I’m sorry”, say it with eye contact.
Believe in love at first sight.
Honor your body, treat it like a temple.
Fight fair.


04/22/2023 🤢DISGUSTING TRIVIA🤢   2 comments

I’ve always tried to supply my readers with a varied list of trivia subjects. This one is probably the most disgusting collection of trivia facts I’ve found. If you think you’ve heard everything, think again, because this list will prove you wrong. I apologize in advance to those of you who are easily shocked or disturbed. Read the first item and if you’re still shocked and disturbed, turn off your computer and go watch some reality TV. These are not for the faint of heart.

  • Michelle Monahan had 1.7 pints of semen pumped out of her stomach in Los Angeles in July 1991.
  • Maoni Vi of Cape Town has hair measuring 32 inches from the armpits and 28 inches from her vagina.
  • The most horrible drink to be considered a beverage and safely drunk is Khoona. It is drunk by Afghani tribesmen on their wedding night and consists of a small amount of still-warm very recently attained bull semen. It is believed to be a potent aphrodisiac.
  • Linda Manning of Los Angeles could, without preparation, completely insert a lubricated American football into her vagina.
  • In July 1987, Carl Chadwick of Rugby, England, squeezed a zit and projected a detectable amount of yellow pus a distance of 7feet, 1 inch.
  • This drink is available from a few select bars in New York. It contains tomato juice, a double shot of vodka, a spoonful of French mustard and a dash of lime. It is not mixed but served with a tampon (unused) instead of a cocktail umbrella and is known as a ‘Cunt Pump’.
  • Horst Schultz achieved 18 ft 9 in with a ‘substantial’ amount of seminal fluid. He also holds the records for the greatest height (12 ft 4in) and the greatest speed of ejaculation, or muzzle velocity, with 42.7mph.
  • The longest dump ever verified was produced by Jeff Tomlinson, who produced a ‘staggering ‘turd’ over a period of 2 hours 12 minutes which was officially measured at 12 ft 2in. The offender is banned from 134 toilets in his hometown.
  • Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a fart for an officially recorded time of 2 minutes 42 seconds.


You’re Welcome!

03/03/2023 “Good Luck, Bad luck, No Luck”   Leave a comment

I haven’t been posting much in recent weeks due in part to my broken ankle and my inability to walk. I won’t drag this out because other people’s medical problems are truly uninteresting to most everyone else. Here is my short version of events.

Ankle Surgery – 2 days in hospital

Returned home to discover my better-half diagnosed with Covid-19

2d day I was also found to be positive for Covid-19

A total of 12 days of isolation for us both accompanied by all of the fun Covid symptoms.

Now that Covid-19 has been dealt with we can once again try to get back to some kind of normal.

Thats the extent of my whining, bitching, and complaining about this run of bad luck. I’m still not very mobile but on the bright side, in four or five more weeks I should be back to what I once thought was normal. Hopefully my blogging will increase as well.


02/22/2023 “Medical Trivia”   2 comments

Now that I’m laid up with this broken ankle, I thought I should delve into the medical profession for a few items of trivia. Unfortunately, most of my conversations these days are with doctors, nurses, hospitals, and those lovely insurance companies. I should mention that as a young kid I was bullied for almost a year which makes me very aware of people who bully others. I understand that medical folks are only trying to do good, but really their job is all about being gentle bullies and I tend to react badly at times. It makes me a little crazy. I’m sure that somewhere in one of the many medical computer files some well-meaning person has noted next to my name, “A-Hole“. So, sit back and enjoy some medical trivia from a proud, card-carrying A-Hole.

  • The Egyptian mummy was a standard drug of European pharmacology until the eighteenth century. Despite criticism within the medical profession, doctors prescribed mummy powder as a cure for internal ailments. Portions of many embalmed Egyptian dead were swallowed before science and common sense rendered the practice obsolete.
  • Sigmund Freud turned down a $10,000.00 fee in 1920 to spend six months in New York treating patients in the morning and lecturing in the afternoon. He calculated that he would return to Vienna poorer than when he left so he declined.
  • Opium was frequently used as a painkiller by Army doctors during the US Civil War. By the end of the war, according to conservative estimates 100,000 soldiers had become addicted to opium, at a time when the population of the entire country was only 40,000,000.
  • In the eighteenth century, there were American slaves who were physicians. They treated not only other slaves and free blacks and whites as well, until restricted by law to serving only the black community.
  • Approximately 3500 men were practicing medicine at the time of the American Revolution. Only about 400 had an actual medical degree. Of the much larger number of women who practiced, even a smaller number had any formal training.