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05-22-2015 Journal – Memorial Day!   2 comments



With the Memorial Day weekend looming we can all sit back and watch the television programming meant to honor those service men and women who have paid the ultimate price.  Being an Army veteran I hesitate to participate in the required litany of praise, sorrow, and remembrances that seem to be mandatory these days.  As a vet I never expected praise for my service because it was the right thing to do, for me.  I wanted to pay back a little to the country that kept me free.  It’s more comfortable for me to celebrate the holiday in a private manner without all of the hoopla. 

I had a number of friends who proudly served their country but never made it home and I remember them all too often.  I have no need for making some sort of holy pilgrimage to "The Wall" in DC to stand and sob and leave tokens. I’ll fly my flag with pride in silence, remember my lost friends in silence, and try to live my life in a way to make them proud.

So there’ll be no sad stories here because I prefer to celebrate this day my way. It takes special people to voluntarily place themselves in harms way with the fear of dying a real possibility, especially these days.  Nothing saddens me as much as the people in this country that have never served and criticize those who do.  Waving a flag and watching fire-works displays twice a year leaves me flat.

I’m looking forward as most people do to the Summer months but using Memorial Day as a spring board for that seems a little disrespectful, to me. Make a contribution to the Wounded Warrior Project, quietly remember the fallen, kiss your children, and live your life to the fullest. That’s the best way to remember them because they died so you could.

Let’s make flying the American flag the only dignified display required for celebrating this day.