Archive for the ‘flip flops’ Tag

12-22-2015 Journal–The X-mas Weirdness Continues!   1 comment


‘Is this weird enough for you?’

Three days to go. Three more days of retail madness in a sea of questionable citizens. As I’ve stated a number of times recently this may be the weirdest Christmas I’ve ever had.  Overly warm weather, no snow, no sleet, no slush, no SNIRT (Snow + Dirt), and all of that having a strange effect on the population including me.

Observation #1 – As I drive around through the surrounding countryside all I’ve been seeing are snowmobiles and snow blowers parked in the grass along the roads with For Sale signs on them.  All of our more determined snow bunnies are now being forced to travel into the White Mountains in nearby New Hampshire if they want to frolic in the white stuff. We have none.

Observation #2 – One of the major priorities in Maine is preparation for Winter by purchasing sufficient amounts of heating oil, wood or other fuels well in advance of Christmas.  Heating oil costs over the last few years have fluctuated between $2.75 per gallon to $3.45 per gal.  It’s currently hovering just below the two dollar mark and dropping. Hooray for us and our bank accounts.  This kind of weirdness I can learn to love.  It’s one of the reasons I’m sitting here in my man-cave this morning waiting the arrival of an oil delivery truck.  When the price drops like this it’s time to fill up the tank.


‘Ho, Ho, Ho, who wouldn’t go!’

Observation #3 – The warm weather has people here a bit confused and acting strangely. The better-half dragged me along on another one of her shopping forays to Walmart recently. We all know Walmart is known for some truly off-the-wall folks that can be seen there on any given day.  This week I saw at least ten people in shorts, T-shirts, and strutting their stuff in flip-flops. It was 35 degrees for God’s sake.


‘Goats love going for a spin.’

Observation #4 – I’ve saved the best for last. I’ve been telling the world about Maine and Mainers for years and at times I gotten the feeling they think I might be exaggerating.  This blurb may just prove my point once and for all.


‘They love feeling the wind in their hair.’

Yesterday morning I was looking out my picture window with a hot cup of coffee in my hand. I was watching the early morning traffic speeding by when I saw a truck approaching in the distance. It was one of those huge Suburban pickup trucks all clean and shiny. As it passed by I saw what I thought was a dog hanging out of the passenger side window like they love to do. As it got closer I started laughing to show my appreciation for Maine once again.  It wasn’t a dog at all but a big brown goat. Sitting right next to the driver and enjoying the ride.  Only two things could have improved that moment. The first would have been to have my camera ready and to have snapped that picture. The second would have been if that damn goat had been wearing a Santa hat.


‘Nothing as romantic as a man and his goat.’ 

One Mainer + One Pickup Truck + One Happy Goat = One Weird Christmas