Archive for the ‘workout’ Tag

03-27-2015 Journal – Workout Oldies and a New Baby!   Leave a comment


One of my first tasks today was to get in a vigorous workout to start the day. Most days I turn on the TV or a movie and crank up the treadmill to a quick speed with a steep incline.  I’m averaging forty-two minutes a session and watching TV for that long has started getting really old.  On a good day there’s precious little on the tube that can hold my interest for forty-two minutes.


Today I decided to plug into ITunes and spend my time listening to my newly updated Favorites List. I have quite the collection of music and it was a tough job picking out fifty songs from over seven thousand. It took some time but it was worth it. I ended up with forty-five songs that met my stringent qualifications.  It had to be a song that no matter when I heard it I’d stop what I was doing to listen.


It took twelve songs to complete my workout and the time seemed to fly by. Listening to good music is like having your own time machine.  As soon as I hear a song it takes me straight back to a specific point in time and a specific person as well.  So here’s my list of today’s twelve workout songs:

  1. Love Letter -  Clairy Browne & the Bangin’ Rackettes
  2. Up on Cripple Creek – The Band
  3. Kokomo – The Beach Boys
  4. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club – Beatles
  5. Nights on Broadway – Bee Gees
  6. Uptown Girl – Billy Joel
  7. The Guitar Man – Bread
  8. Gypsy Woman – Brian Highland
  9. I’m Your Angel (Duet w/R. Kelly) – Celine Dion
  10. How ‘Bout Us – Champaign
  11. Down in Mexico – The Coasters
  12. Run Through the Jungle – Creedence Clearwater Revival

If those songs don’t get your heart started then you’d better call for help. Say what you want these so-called Oldies more than hold their own against today’s Hip Hop generation.


I spent some time today preparing for the arrival of the grandson who’ll be staying with us until after the birth of his soon to arrive new sibling.  The doctors intend to induce labor today so we’re hopefully looking at an early morning arrival by the baby. 

This waiting has been murder for both of us almost as much as for the mother and father. She’s two weeks late and it’s been making everyone absolutely crazy.   Hurry up and wait until the baby decides to get here.

10-14-2013. Journal Entry-More Nonsense and a Cat!   Leave a comment

I’ve had 24 hours for my blood pressure to return to normal levels after receiving that letter from Planned Parenthood.  It really got me going for a while there.  But on to better things to talk about today which will help me relax a little.

It’s a day of nonsense for me.  I finished a good solid 40 minute workout on the treadmill which left me soaking wet and somewhat winded, it was great. I spent an additional ten minutes in my continuing efforts to get my cat Stormy to walk on it with me.  It’s taken me six months just to get him to sit on the damn treadmill but he’s gone like a shot as soon as I turn it on.  I’m nothing if not persistent and I hope he lives long enough for me to accomplish this feat. He knows exactly what I want him to do but he’s just dragging this out to mess with me. I sometimes think he’s actually the one training me.


‘Here’s what I want.’

‘Here’s what I got.’

Have I mentioned recently that I’m a bit of a klutz.  I trip over things, fall into things, drop things and occasionally break things.  It’s a life long issue that appears unfixable.  As I was in my workshop putting the finishing touches to a small book shelf I’ve been building I found it necessary to stain a few small pieces of trim before finishing the project.  I pulled out a quart of stain and an old rag to stain just two small 8 inch pieces.  How much trouble could I get in? That evil klutz that lives inside me decided it was time for another visit to make my life a little more interesting.


I opened the can of stain carefully after putting on my latex gloves.  I hate getting that stuff on me because it’s as hard as hell to remove.  I picked up the rag and placed  the pieces of trim the on the bench to begin staining. As I turned to pick up the rag my arm struck the nearby can of stain and sent it flying.  Needless to say I now have a stain on the floor of my workshop that’s approximately 6 feet long and four feet wide.  That doesn’t even include the splash-back onto my arms, chest, face and glasses. I ended up spending more time cleaning that up than I did building the damn bookshelf in the first place. The evil klutz got me again.

I then returned to my man-cave to post about Planned Parenthood and what do I find?  No internet connection. I’ve been having periodic problems with my connection for the last few weeks but this time my home network was dead. After running diagnostics, checking cables, cursing a blue streak, and making a quick visit to a nearby Time Warner office, it was once again operating.


I’ve been considering a complete upgrade of my home network and after today I’m convinced it’s badly needed.  Along with the network upgrade I’ll be adding a home cloud system and hopefully it can all be done at the same time.  At least with my own cloud I’ll feel much more secure about the safety of my music and photographs.

I’m off to take a shower and clean the remainder of the stain from my magnificent body.  It’s like having graffiti on Michelangelo’s “David”.


That was supposed to be funny in case you were wondering.  After that I foresee a large mug of Jack Daniels and Pepsi to smooth things out a little more.  Another wonderful day in the neighborhood comes to a close.

09-13-2013   Leave a comment

Before I hop on my newly purchased torture device I thought I’d get these answers from yesterdays quiz on their way to you.  I tried the quiz on a few others yesterday and they had some difficulties to be sure.  I threw two current events questions in just for the hell of it and I’m sorry I did.  How can a person living in this country where we’re up to our ass in media not know anything about the Boston Marathon bombing case.  I’m sorry to say this was someone in their fifties who just isn’t paying attention.  Unbelievable is the word I’m looking for.  Here are your answers.

1. Jordin Sparks

2. Chemical weapons

3. Trapt

4. 27

5. Miriam Makeba

6. Lego

7. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

8. Weezer

9. One was shot and killed by police, and the other was captured in a massive manhunt.

10. Destiny Hope Cyrus

Before I step onto this treadmill for my daily workout I’m sitting here lining up the music I’ll be listening to.  Today will be Beatles day.  I’ve loved them for years and their music still holds up even to our current Hip Hop generation.  In memory of the Fab Four here are a few facts about them that fans will appreciate.

  • John Lennon had dyslexia.
  • Paul McCartney and Pete Best were once arrested in Hamburg because they stuck a condom to a wall and set it on fire.
  • In the 60’s Paul McCartney had three cats named Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
  • Only 6% of Beatles autographs currently in circulation are estimated to be real.
  • John Lennon’s favorite food was cornflakes.

Enough of this nonsense.  I’ve got a date to sweat through my clothing and I need to get started.  Tomorrow is another day.