Archive for the ‘dunkin donuts’ Tag

05/01/2022 Trivial Trivia   Leave a comment

As most of you already know I am a lover of trivia. I’ve been collecting trivia and books on trivia for as long as I can remember. Most trivia are fun and interesting and humorous but not today. Today’s trivia is a little more scary than usual but trivia, nonetheless. I thought mixing it up a bit might catch your interest quicker than just another ‘trivial trivia list’. Let’s get started . . .


  • Peanut allergies afflict an estimated 4 million Americans and can be life-threatening. Almost half of annual emergency room visits and two thirds of deaths due to anaphylaxis are the result of peanut allergies.
  • A medium fruit-and-yogurt smoothie at Dunkin’ Donuts contains four times as much sugar as a chocolate frosted cake donut.
  • One in five office coffee mugs contains fecal bacteria and E. coli, which can cause diarrhea, food poisoning, and infections.
  • Almost 99% of imported food is never inspected by the FDA or the USDA, two agencies responsible for protecting Americans from tainted products.
  • Long a staple of the American diet and the US economy, corn is a high-carbohydrate, high-glycemic food that fattens up cattle and does the same to humans who consume it in excess.


  • The United States has only 4% of the world’s population but consumes 65% of its supply of hard drugs.
  • About 14 million Americans fit the criteria for alcoholism or alcohol abuse.
  • Smoking causes acute myeloid leukemia, as well as cancer in other areas of the body, including the bladder, mouth, larynx, cervix, kidneys, lungs, esophagus, pancreas, and stomach.
  • Among women, cigarette use correlates with level of education. Smoking estimates are highest for women without traditional high school diplomas and lowest for women with college degrees.
  • Caffeine is more addictive than marijuana.


  • 10% of the U.S. states now spend as much money or more on corrections than on higher education.
  • Misidentified eyewitness testimony was a factor in 77% of DNA exoneration cases, making it the leading cause of wrongful convictions in the United States. In 40% of the cases, cross-racial identification was a factor. Studies show that people are less likely to recognize faces of a different race, making race a factor in wrongful convictions.
  • By law, all citizens must take a bath at least once a year in Kentucky.

I’ll be following up on this list within the next couple of weeks because I have an abundance of interesting trivia about just any topic you can think of. I promise to pass along as much as I can as soon as I can.


11/12/2021 Who Doesn’t Love Maine?   Leave a comment

I am a proud citizen of the great state of Maine. I’ve lived here now for 21 years and it’s even more interesting than you might think. As in every other state in the United States, Maine has its peculiarities. Some people may think they’re stupid and others might consider them quaint but that’s just an individual’s judgment call. The state of Maine has been around a long time and has many laws on the books that are absolutely ridiculous. Fortunately most of the ones I’m going to introduce you to now are not enforced. Thank god.

  • In Maine, it’s illegal to step out of an airplane once it’s in flight.
  • In Maine you will be fined if your holiday lights are left up any later than January 14.
  • In Augusta, it is illegal to walk down the street playing the violin.
  • In Freeport, don’t you dare “expectorate” out of any second story window.
  • In Wells, Maine, you may not place an advertisement in the cemetery.
  • In Maine, it is illegal to keep an armadillo as a pet.
  • In Waterville, it’s illegal to blow your nose in public.
  • In Portland, you better not use a feather duster to tickle under the chin of a woman.
  • In Rumford, it is illegal to bite a landlord under any circumstances.
  • In Portland, shoe laces must be tied when walking down the street.
  • In Hollowell, it is illegal to park your horse “up wind” on a windy day.
  • In South Berwick, it is illegal to park in front of Dunkin’ Donuts.
  • In Waterboro, dog leashes may not be over 8 feet in length.

So much for their host of stupid laws, let’s look now at what some Mainers consider tourist attractions. Who am I to dispute these kind of crazy claims. If nothing else these tourist attractions are worth a few yucks.

  • Maine experiences the first sunrise in the US, you should go to Mars Hill, Cadillac Mountain, or Lubek to properly start your day..
  • Maine is the closest state to Africa.
  • A giant boot outside L.L. Bean in Freeport, Maine is a size 400 (Extra Wide).
  • On US Route 1, 7 miles south of the intersection with US Route 2 in Houlton, you’ll find a tree decked out with pairs of hanging shoes.
  • The world’s largest Paul Bunyan statue is a roadside attraction in Bangor, Maine.
  • On Peaks Island, there is an entire museum devoted to umbrella covers.

Well, I think that’s enough excitement for me for a while. You should rush right out and make reservations to come to this glorious state next summer to seek out these incredibly silly tourist attractions. Having that much fun could be hazardous to your health.

Lobsters, Lighthouses, Scenic Shorelines, and one small Amusement Park


08/06/2021 Annoyances   Leave a comment

With all this heat and rain along with the damn pandemic I’ve discovered just how many things there are that annoy me. I won’t complain about wearing masks or being locked in my home like a prisoner because those things are absolutely necessary. As I began to compile my list it just kept growing and growing. Here they are.

  • People who wait in a long checkout lines and then can’t find their checkbook or credit card.
  • People who are constantly late (I hate them).
  • Commercials that are so much louder than the TV shows.
  • Grocery shopping carts with a bad wheel.
  • People who chit-chat with a cashier when there’s a long line behind them waiting and waiting.
  • TV shows and commercial ads with ringing phones, which make you  think the sound is coming from your house.
  • Waiters/waitresses with dirty fingernails.
  • TV shows where people are speaking to Alexa which in turn has my Alexa bugging me.

The more I think about this list the longer it gets.  I’m going to keep on rolling and hopefully I’ll find the end.

  • Stepping on a wet spot with my socks on.
  • Drivers who won’t turn right on red.
  • Being asked for my account number after I already entered it using the keypad on my phone.
  • Celebrities preaching to me about politics or anything else.
  • People saying  “What’s up?” instead of saying “hi or hello”.
  • The lame-ass naming of celebrity couples.
  • Suburban kids who think they’re gangstas.
  • Rappers who thank God and their mothers at awards ceremonies.

Still going strong but I seem to be feeling a little better by unburdening myself like this.

  • When someone blows their nose in your presence and then proceeds to look at the results.
  • Flood pants on men (even stupid hipsters).
  • People who don’t listen when you are talking to them.
  • Using the toilet paper down to the last few squares without getting a new roll.
  • People abbreviating words when they speak (Rachael Ray).
  • Rude people talking at movies (you know who you are).
  • Barking dogs.
  • Having to explain the same thing more than once to the same person.
  • People who don’t flush the toilet.
  • When coffee spills out of the top drinking hole of your cup at Dunkin Donuts.
  • Anyone who can’t speak a complete sentence without using the word “like” five or six times.
  • People who can’t use any pronoun except the word “dude”.
  • People who are constantly touching their genitals (men and boys).
  • People who bring babies to movie theaters.

I’ve got to stop this foolishness.  If I add just one more item to this list I’ll start annoying myself and for some reason that just seems wrong.  I think it’s time for all of you to make your own list.  It’s annoying that you haven’t completed one already.

12-29-2014 New Year Resolutions!   Leave a comment


With New Year’s approaching I’ve begun to think about my resolutions for 2015.  In preparation for the new list it only makes sense to review last year’s resolutions.  It might be necessary to use a few of them that I failed to live up to again this year.


  • Read five books a month. COMPLETED
  • Teach the grandson  one curse word per month once he begins talking. He still isn’t talking enough to complete this one. FAILURE
  • Keep the number of F-bombs below 100 a week. COMPLETED
  • Drink less brandy than last year but more than next year. COMPLETED
  • Spend less than $300.00 at Dunkin Donut for the entire year ($25.00 per month). . . . as of 12/28/2014 $391.32. BIG FAILURE
  • Stop dancing naked near the picture window in the living room, it scares the neighbors.  I managed to stop the dancing but not being naked seems impossible for me. FAILURE
  • Fight to my last breath to keep chickens and goats from becoming part of my life. COMPLETED

Four completed out of seven seems pretty good to me but I need to improve that next year. I’d really like just once to complete all of them but I always seem to get sidetracked with other stuff.  I may need a few easy ones for 2015 that won’t require me to work so hard. With that thought in mind here is my new list.


  • I vow to exercise for forty-one minutes every other day for the entire year.
  • I vow to call President Obama nasty names only during months with an "R" in them.
  • I further vow to never say anything good about President Obama in months without an "R".
  • I vow to never blurt out any F-Bombs in front of the grandson now that he has started repeating damn near everything.
  • I vow to say many more F-Bombs around those people (except the grandson) who irritate, annoy or piss me off.
  • I vow to stop flirting with just anyone.  There are times when I feel like such a slut and that’s not always a good thing for my self esteem.
  • For the third year in a row I vow not to prance naked anywhere near the front picture window.  It creeps out the neighbors and one or two of our regular joggers.
  • I also vow not to screw with my cat as much this year due to his advanced age and sharp claws.
  • I vow to take at least 500 really good photographs a month.

I’ll do my first review of these new resolutions sometime in June.  Hopefully I’ll be on track to complete every one for the first time.  As always the road to hell really is paved with good intentions.


11-11-2014 Journal – Coffee, Sandwich, and a Horse!   Leave a comment


I awoke this morning to find a beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the high fifties.  After a few days of BLAH I was overjoyed.  Once again my better-half was on a day-off and we grabbed our cameras and headed out to run errands and enjoy our day together.

I needed to do a little shopping for two flash drives that would help me solve my most recent computer crisis.  I quickly found the drives at Target, made the purchase, and then retired to Starbucks for a coffee and to await her return. Oh, let me correct myself, not just a coffee but a Grande coffee.  That’s a medium coffee from those of you normal people who haven’t let Starbucks change your approach to the English language.  I try never to frequent Starbucks for only one reason, the cost.  Today I had a medium coffee with milk, no latte, no whip cream, and no fancy flavoring.  Just a medium cup of coffee and one snowman shaped sugar cookie.  That’s six dollars I’ll never get back again and while the barista (PC BS Title) tried to soften the blow by telling me how good the cookie was, I wasn’t convinced. When she saw that her efforts weren’t working she then gave me a small card for a free game App for my IPad.  Even the App sucked.


My better-half also has her own issues with Starbucks so after she arrived we quickly left that shopping center and made a stop at a nearby Dunkin Donuts for some good coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I had a medium size flavored coffee and a breakfast wrap with sausage, egg, and cheese that came to only five dollars.  Eat that Starbucks!!


On the return home we passed a local horse farm where I stop occasionally to take pictures and to pet a horse or two.  I found out something interesting during my visit today that I never knew before.  Horses and cats seem to have a lot in common.  I walked up to the fence of the corral and one of the horses spotted me and made a beeline straight for me.  He walked right up to me, nuzzled my hand, and got a few pats on his nose.  I had my camera out and started snapping away when he suddenly turned around and gave me his large ass to look at.  He refused to turn back around and face the camera for some reason.  He must have been a little annoyed that after coming right over to me I hadn’t rewarded him with a carrot, an apple, or a few sugar cubes.  He was being a little pissy to say the least.



That’s the same routine my cat sometimes uses when he doesn’t get his way. He sits in the middle of the room directly in front of me with his back turned and gives me the "Big Ignore".  Who knew it was a trait for horses too.  I returned to the car properly chastened and we headed home.


Another day here in the paradise that is Maine.

10-30-2014. Journal Entry-Night Owls & Styx!   Leave a comment


‘Don’t  Screw With Us Night-Owls’

I must be losing what’s left of my mind.  Sit back and let me explain.  Most people are either early morning people or night-owls.  For as long as I can remember I’ve been a night-owl.  I loved being out and about when everyone else was at home in their warm beds.  Even when I was working those nine-to-five jobs I always managed to stay awake until at least midnight and still make it to work on time without any problem.  My best years were those as a police officer when I could work as many overnights as I wanted.  Those days are sadly gone forever as you shall see.

This morning was a perfect example of my new life. My better-half works some ungodly shifts but more often than not she begins work at 05:30 am. That requires her to bound out of bed in her ridiculously upbeat manner at 4:00 am to begin her endless pre-work preparations.  As quiet as she tries to be she still manages to wake me up almost every day.  Slowly over the last few years I’ve been quietly forced to adopt her work schedule whether I like it or not.

Fortunately I went to bed early enough last night that being awakened at 4:00 am was annoying but workable. I actually was awakened at 3:45 am when the damn cat decided it was time to be fed.  So I made the coffee, fed the cat, visited the facilities and quickly returned to my warm bed.  I tried desperately to go back to sleep but nothing doing. I was wide awake with nothing to do and nowhere to go.  Thanks a lot lovey!


I turned on the tube and what do I find but a Styx rock concert on AXS TV.  I poured a large coffee, pulled the bed covers tightly around me, and settled down for the next two hours and rocked my life away.  That group sounded as good today as it did way back when. The better-half left sometime during the concert giving me the required peck on the cheek as she ran for the door. Twenty minutes later she called in a tizzy to tell me she’d forgotten her bag full of paperwork that she  needed it and could I bring it to her as soon as possible.





Of course, I finished watching the concert, then I got dressed and did fifty minutes on the treadmill.  There’s something very wrong with sweating through your clothing at 6:00 am.  I finished with the treadmill, hit the shower, and then decided to deliver her work supplies to her. Of course she also demanded in her oh so nice way a Dunkin Donuts coffee which required me to make yet another stop. Isn’t love grand?

So after all of that I arrived at her store with all of the paperwork and her coffee.  I made the visit as short as possible and quickly left after reciprocating with an obligatory kiss on her cheek. I stood outside in the parking lot for a second and glanced down at my phone, it was only 8:45 am. That’s just so wrong on so many levels.  What the hell was I becoming?  She’s turning me into a morning person and I can’t seem to stop her.  Is my life over? Woe is me!

I drove directly home, parked the car, and marched my ass back to the bedroom.  The next two hours were heaven on earth and that little nap was even better than those famous afternoon power naps everyone’s always raving about.  I was sure the rest of the day would be a real yawner but I needed to remember one important thing.  I’d be able to get up tomorrow morning and do it all over again.

Someone just shoot me now, please!

01-31-2014 Journal Entry – Coffee Trivia III   1 comment

Well we’re in day three of the Coffee Trivia marathon. I’ve explained in detail all of my past addictions, MY history with coffee over the years and finally today I’ll address my current coffee situation.

“I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon.” ~Ronald Reagan

I’m in the throes of a weight-loss program which while needed is nonetheless annoying and difficult. The diet I’ve been restricted to is not easy and leaves me very few food items that are fulfilling and satisfying. I kid people when I tell them my diet consists of radishes, pudding, cashews, cereal, water, and above all coffee.  Coffee is and remains my one luxury item and regardless of what any Doctor tells me it will be the last thing I ever give up.


That being said, I’d like introduce you to my two new best friends. My weight-loss program would never be as successful as it’s been without these devices.


They allow me the luxury of a large number of options in preparing my coffee and it’s helped me work through this ungodly diet.  As you can also see the variety of coffee’s available is incredible and I’m really enjoying tasting as many different types and styles as I can find.


So now I’ll continue my seemingly endless list of coffee trivia.  I hope you’ve learned a little about coffee and it’s tremendous effect on the world’s economy as well as the huge number of employees it supports worldwide. It appears I’m not the only coffee addict on this planet.  I’m just one of many millions who loves the bean.  Enjoy.


“Still One of the Best”

  • 65 countries in the world grow coffee. They are all along the equator, within the tropics.
  • After they are roasted, and when the coffee beans begin to cool, they release about 700 chemical substances that make up the vaporizing aromas.
  • Beethoven who was a coffee lover, was so particular about his coffee that he always counted 60 beans each cup when he prepared his brew.
  • Before roasting, some green coffee beans are stored for years, and experts believe that certain beans improve with age, when stored properly.
  • Before the first French cafe in the late 1700’s, coffee was sold by street vendors in Europe, in the Arab fashion. The Arabs were the forerunners of the sidewalk espresso carts of today.
  • Brazil accounts for almost 1/3 of the world’s coffee production, producing over 3-1/3 billion pounds of coffee each year.
  • In 1675 Charles II, King of England issued a proclamation banning Coffee Houses. He said that they were places where people met to plot against him.
  • 30% of coffee drinkers in US added a sweetener of some kind to their coffee, compared with 57% in UK.
  • October 1st is official “Coffee Day” in Japan.
  • Scientists have discovered more than 800 different aromatic compounds in coffee.

“The more complicated the order, the bigger the asshole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a ‘decaf grandee, half soy, half low-fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n’-Low and one NutraSweet,’ ooooh, you’re a huge asshole.” ~ George Carlin

  • Black coffee with no sugar contains no calories.
  • Coffee represents 75% of all the caffeine consumed in the United States.
  • Coffee sacks are usually made of hemp and weigh approximately 132 pounds when they are full of green coffee beans. It takes over 600,000 beans to fill a coffee sack.
  • Coffee trees are evergreen and grow to heights above 15 feet but are normally pruned to around 8 feet in order to facilitate harvesting.
  • Coffee trees are self-pollinating.
  • Coffee trees produce highly aromatic, short-lived flowers producing a scent between jasmine and orange. These blossoms produce cranberry-sized coffee cherries. It takes four to five years to yield a commercial harvest.
  • 75% of the world’s coffee comes from the Coffea Arabica plant.
  • Drinking a single cup of coffee that has been brewing for 20 minutes provides the body with 300 phytochemicals which act as antioxidants and stay in the body for up to a month.
  • In days gone by, Turkish bridegroom had to promise that they would always provide their new wives with coffee.
  • Worldwide, more 1400 millions cups of coffee are drunk every day.

This will be the final installment of the Coffee Trivia postings.  I have to admit that I’ve collected enough information for a few more but I don’t want to overdue it. Possibly in the near future I’ll put together additional ones but I’ll let enough time pass so as not to bore everyone.